Friday, December 16, 2011

Head... is... freezing.

So the weeks following the events described in my last post have been eventful. After my dad's surgery it was decided that he should do 6 rounds of chemotherapy. About two weeks after the first round his hair was starting to falling off whenever he touched it so he decided to just get it over with and shave it off. Mike, Spencer, and I also shaved our heads as a sign of solidarity. Then when the rest of his hair fell out a few days later I decided I might as well bic mine just this once since I'll never have as good an opportunity again (hopefully). So, now I've got no hair and that's why my head is cold. Picture follows. No laughing.

P.S. That is my genetic engineering final report in the background.


  1. Looks like an interesting report. What does the blue and green highlighting mean?

  2. It looks awesome, Seth! I approve.

  3. the highlighting is all the parts that still need citations, and the green and blue is just to make it easier to see where one starts and the other begins.
